A MicroStrategy Way to BI Success (Motion Graphics)

Keng Fu Chu
2 min readOct 6, 2022


Sometimes a thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one “GIF.” Over the past couple of years, I had the privilege of working with some strategic customers to reimagine their BI solutions with MicroStrategy. As a product designer, I especially enjoyed creating animations to demonstrate product capabilities and explain the feature concept. In this article, I would like to share these motion graphics and host the page as a repository for continuous animation work.

Build a cloud-based solution that empowers your organization

MicroStrategy Cloud for Government operates under Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) guidelines. Agencies can access the industry’s #1 Enterprise Analytics platform without delay. This managed Platform-as-a-Service provides high performance and the most sophisticated security and data privacy requirements in the public or private sectors.

Drive More Value with the MicroStrategy Cloud

Leading companies are adopting cloud-first strategies to accelerate digital transformation. Migrate your analytics applications to the cloud now to spend more time on what matters — delivering intelligence to your business.

Iceberg Diagram — Build an Analytic Experience with Depth

MicroStrategy strengths: Performance at Scale, Data Model Complexity, Security and Governance

Trusted Data Governance through the Semantic Graph

MicroStrategy brings consistency and governance to your data to ensure all stakeholders operate off a single version of the truth. The Enterprise Semantic Graph is the engine of our platform — it securely brings all your data sources into an architected foundation.

Dossier Freeform Application

Dossier allows anyone across the organization to get started with self-service data discovery, build innovative dashboard layouts, and develop powerful data stories with BI applications. With a drag-and-drop interface and intuitive formatting options, Dossier allows you to create personalized, interactive analytics content in minutes.

Don’t search for answers — let trusted answers find you with HyperIntelligence®.

Let the answers find you. HyperIntelligence securely provides zero-click insights anywhere and for everyone, with no coding at all. HyperIntelligence scans websites, applications, and emails for keywords and delivers an augmented experience that delivers relevant data directly into daily workflows and decisions in real-time.

MicroStrategy Library — a web-based application that allows you to view, present, and analyze dossiers or documents

The most successful companies put data at the center of their decisions. Library provides a personalized analytics portal for every user, prioritizing the information they need to make faster and smarter decisions. Business users and analysts alike can explore and collaborate — all in one place, on any device.

MicroStrategy No-Code Application Design

Data-driven organizations are more likely to exceed their objectives than data-deprived organizations, but building and maintaining a data-driven culture is a challenge for any company. With modern design experiences, sub-second response times, and trusted answers, let MicroStrategy Dossier & Library help you turn your data into actions.



Keng Fu Chu

Principal Design Consultant in BI, Data, and UX principles / Weekend Artist